The Technology and Social Media Around Me



 How our technology has evolved over the years is mind-blowing. We have become such an innovative society and it is shocking how far we have gone in just a little under a century. Sure, we do not have flying cars and robots serving us food, but AI is not too far from being a huge part of our society. 

    With that being said, I believe the most impactful innovation that has been introduced to our society is social media. As someone who is part of Generation Z, it is safe to say that social media has taken over our lives... for the worse and the best.

      As someone who spends a lot of time on social media, I often wonder if my relationship with technology is healthy. While I enjoy using social media to communicate with friends and family, I also find myself spending too much time scrolling through my feeds. I think that social media can be a great source of communication, but it's not always the best place to get news or factual information.

    When it comes to giving technology the appropriate time in my life, I would say that I struggle with it. I often find myself spending more time on my phone than I would like, and I know that this cannot be healthy. However, it's hard to break the habit, especially when I'm bored or feeling anxious. I know that not just for me, but for everyone my age, I feel naked without my phone!

     In terms of whether technology is influential and making me smarter, I think that it is a mixed bag. On the one hand, technology has given me access to a plethora of information that I would not have had otherwise. I can learn about different cultures on TikTok, read national and international news, and connect with people from all over the world. On the other hand, I think that technology can be misleading, especially when it comes to news and politics. It's important to fact-check everything and not just believe everything we read online.

     I think that technology is an accepted part of society, and it's not going away anytime soon. While I do worry about the impact that technology is having on our lives, I also think that it has brought a lot of positive aspects. For example, social media has allowed us to connect with people in ways that we never could before, and it has given a voice to people who might not have had one otherwise. It has given a platform to some influential people who have changed people's lives, just by a simple post or video. Social media influencing is a powerful tool.

    When it comes to my friends and family, I think that technology has been mostly positive in their lives. We can stay in touch more easily, and we can share photos and updates with each other. However, I also worry about the impact that social media is having on mental health, especially for people my age and younger. There is a lot of pressure to present a perfect image online, and this can be damaging. Cyberbullying and anonymity online are huge issues; ones that are so hard to avoid and can be so hurtful. The power of being anonymous is a dangerous and scary thing to face online. 

      I am pretty careful about what I share online. I keep all of my social media accounts private, so people can't easily access my profiles. I also don't use my real name online, which makes it harder for people to find me. When I Google myself, I don't find anything, which is a good thing. Because of this, I think that it's important to be careful about what we share online because it can have long-lasting consequences. I have always been taught to watch what I say online, because "what I put in writing can come back to haunt me." That advice has stuck with me all of my life and it could be useful for so many people online who have faced the wrath of social media. My advice to anyone is to tread with caution. Social media can look fun, great, and welcoming on the outside, but it sucks you in. And when you are sucked in, you are subject to the wrath and consequences of social media. 


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