Anti-war Voices


   I believe the mainstream media tends to focus more on the dramatics and the "sensational," which in turn, means focusing on conflict and war. It is easier to grab the audience's attention with stories of violence and conflict, which can lead to a large amount of coverage for those topics while others could be overlooked. Not to mention that these mainstream media outlets are owned by large corporations that have political and financial interests, which influences what news they cover and how they cover it. This leads to a lack of perspective diversity.

    The writers on and are strong antiwar voices because they are not a part of the mainstream media. They are able to offer different perspectives on issues about war and conflict. This allows these writers to be more critical of governmental policies and offer a more distinctive perspective of war; they are not obligated to have the same interests as the mainstream media.

    Although it is important to note that just because these sites are not a part of the mainstream media does not mean they are more trustworthy or accurate. It is important to review and evaluate these sources and seek out multiple, diverse perspectives in order to get a well-rounded view of these issues. I personally explore various different websites on the whole political spectrum, so I can be informed on different perspectives. The mainstream news outlets tend to spoon-feed you a certain view and that can be a slippery slope.

    The lack of strong antiwar voices is a reflection of the mainstream media, the influence of corporate interest, and their priorities of maintaining audience satisfaction. Seeking out different news sources is a great way to get a more nuanced view on issues, while also critically evaluating them.

Antiwar.Com, Accessed 7 July 2023.

“Home.” The American Conservative, 6 July 2023,


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